Friday 28 March 2008

This bitch is toast....

H/T Liberty Peak Lodge


Prodicus said...

Apart from the fact that she's a liar, anyone stupid enough to think she could get away with such a monstrous lie - up against a vast and free press who would remember it and show the
world hard evidence that she's lying
is too stupid to be in office. Any office. Daft cow.

Anonymous said...

We can now retire the phrase,"She just doesn't get it".

Blarg the Destroyer said...

Quit swiftboating (telling the truth about a dhimmicrat)Hillary!

The Remittance Man said...

"There was a saying around the White House: If a place is too small or too dangerous to send the President, send the First Lady instead."

How to insult several small nations in one ten second sound bite! If that's an example of Senator Clinton's foreign policy expertise, I think a lot of people would say they'd rather not see any more of it.